PC-Scheme - definitie. Wat is PC-Scheme
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Wat (wie) is PC-Scheme - definitie

Groundnut scheme; Tanganyika Groundnut Scheme; Ground nut scheme; East African groundnuts scheme; East African groundnut scheme; Groundnuts Scheme; Groundnuts scheme; Ground Nuts Order; East Africa Groundnut Scheme
  • Groundnut cultivation in [[Malawi]]
  • Map of [[Tanganyika Territory]], 1936

Version 3.03 compiler, debugger, profiler, editor, libraries pc-scheme/">ftp://altdorf.ai.mit.edu/archive/pc-scheme/. Written at Texas Instruments. Runs on MS-DOS 286/386 IBM PCs and compatibles. Includes an optimising compiler, an emacs-like editor, inspector, debugger, performance testing, foreign function interface, window system and an object-oriented subsystem. Also supports the dialect used in Hal Abelson and Gerald Sussman's SICP. Conformance: Revised^3 Report, also supports dialect used in SICP. restriction: official version is $95, contact <rww@ibuki.com> ports: MS-DOS See also PCS/Geneva. (1992-02-23)
PC Fútbol         
PC Premiere; PC Calcio; PC Futbol; PC Fútbol 2000
PC Fútbol was a series of football management simulation games developed by Spanish developers Dinamic Multimedia. It was one of the big successes in the Spanish PC market, spawning several titles from 1992 until the studio's closure in 2001.
Scheme Links; R5RS; R4RS; R6RS; Set!; Scheme Programming language; Scheme progamming language; Scheme programming language; R5RS Scheme; Err5rs; ERR5RS; Scheme language; LAML; Scheme (language); RnRS; R7RS; Dr. Scheme; Scheme Lisp
A revision of R3RS, revised in R3.99RS. ftp://altdorf.ai.mit.edu/. ["The Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme", W. Clinger et al, MIT (Nov 1991)]. (1994-10-28) [Later revisions?]


Tanganyika groundnut scheme

The Tanganyika groundnut scheme, or East Africa groundnut scheme, was a failed attempt by the British government to cultivate tracts of its African trust territory Tanganyika (now part of Tanzania) with peanuts. Launched in the aftermath of World War II by the Labour Party administration of prime minister Clement Attlee, the goal was to produce urgently needed oilseeds on a projected 3 million acres (5,000 sq miles, or over 12,000 km2; an area almost as big as Yorkshire) of land, in order to increase margarine supplies in Britain and develop a neglected backwater of the British Empire. Despite an enormous effort and at a cost of £36 million (equivalent to over £1 billion in 2020 value), the project was a disastrous failure and was finally abandoned as unworkable in 1951.

The scheme's proponents, including Minister of Food John Strachey, had overlooked warnings that the environment and rainfall were unsuitable, communications were inadequate, and the whole project was being pursued with excessive haste. The management, initially by the United Africa Company as Managing Agent and subsequently by the government-run Overseas Food Corporation, was appalling, and the scheme came to be popularly seen as a symbol of government incompetence and failure in late colonial Africa. The scheme was described in 1953 as "the worst fiasco in recent British colonial history."